
Franklin's Jaw-Dropping Disbelief

"Can you imagine a city where a popular, successful business is singled out (for a boycott?)..."

- Franklin Graham on New York Mayor Bill De Blasio's call for a boycott of the anti-LGBTQ Chick-Fil-A restaurant chain.

"Boycott Target department stores, Disney, Nike, Starbucks, World Vision charity, the Girl Scouts, the Boy Scouts, Wells Fargo bank... "

- Franklin Graham asking you to boycott these companies because they are pro-LGBTQ.


Trans Like Tang Because They Can

I could list off all the negative "Christian" happenings across the country right now against transsexuals with public restroom accommodations, but instead I'm going to use this opportunity to let some parents talk about having a transgender child and link to a Christian transsexual's blog that has a beautiful spirit.

But first a look at the cases of supposed "transgender predators" in public restrooms.


Transsexual (F to M) Balian Buschaum.


"Old Mormon With Taco." $800

My Evil Aunty

When Nigeria isn't sending gay men to prison for years for being gay, they're making movies. And boy are they.

The "Nollywood" film industry there loves to make movies that fall in the category of what's called "Christian Horror." You'll only find this in Nigeria for some reason because I have yet to see a movie anywhere else where you'll watch a Gospel message and be scared to turn off the lights in the room at the same time. These movies are a hit on YouTube. 

They always have the same story-line of someone in the village using evil powers and they're usually witches because Nigeria seems to have a real problem with witches who steal husbands and cause abortions. These "witches" are either little kids or hot girls wandering around in a group planning evil. In one scene I could swear when a group of pretty witches were walking through the forest, one of the actresses playing a witch fell down a hill into bushes and filming didn't stop.

They also love characters of evil stepmothers who are trying to poison the family, ghost people who live in the forest who are up to no good, and Godly men who can make lightning bolts coming out of their Bible to defeat these Satanic beings. The movie thumbnails on YouTube always have bug-eyed women that would look racist if posted anywhere else. Actors stand around like they're ready for the rice to finish on the stove when they aren't talking during a scene. Nigeria could do with some acting coaches, but they're probably all in prison for being gay.

I know there's the heart behind these movies with a budget of 3 Sonoran hot dogs from a Mexican food cart, but I just can't get out of my head that these people would gladly chase me into to sea for being gay when they aren't in front of the cameras dealing with all the witches. 

I would put an image of a movie poster for one of these films here, but it would look racist. So instead, here's a street food tour from two sweet ladies who probably hate my guts for being a batty boy.


Christopher Yuan

The anti-gay crows just love to throw out talking heads of some type of "ex-gay" and make them the star of the hour (Rosaria Butterfield had that distinction and once her hour was up, they threw her away like some washed-up actress the movie studios stopped calling). Give it time, and they'll come up with a new child of the hour when the previous star starts losing their luster (as predicted, Chris was kicked off the movie credits for Becket Cook and now even Becket is seeing fewer and fewer calls from his agent for roles). Christopher Yuan is still chugging along as a talking head and lately, he's gotten a resurgence in popularity in my town of Los Angeles. Yuan was like a Chinese Tony Montana drug kingpin who rose up so high in the drug trade, he became a drug supplier who supplied other big drug dealers throughout the country and slept with any man who breathed his way along the way. After a prison sentence and an HIV diagnosis later, he found the Lord. Yuan cleaned up well, was taught well by the rabidly anti-gay Bible Moody Institute, and now goes around the country on speaking engagements with talking about the struggle he has with homosexuality. What he should be doing instead is making talks on how drug addiction in a hedonistic lifestyle is a pointless existence, THAT would serve a better purpose (especially with those he directly affected) than what he's trying to do here with homosexuality.

He says on his website he's a "survivor" and "AIDS activist." The only surviving he did was survive a prison stint for damaging countless lives as a drug pusher and him saying he's an 'AIDS activist' is just unbelievable when all he's doing is using his HIV status as a way in to say God wants you to not be in a gay loving relationship. A real HIV/AIDS activist brings awareness to the disease, Yuan brings awareness God has issues with you being gay while he has HIV, big difference. The fact he doesn't mind being used by the anti-gay religious who have no compassion for gays who have HIV/AIDS, the same people who believe that the disease is a "sow what you reap" because of being gay, shows how clueless he is with insulting the audience he's trying to reach.

Someone left a comment on Yuan's old blog years back and I print it here because it clinches it for me with which path is the right one:

Dear Christopher,

Gay or straight, we are all subject to the risks of pornography, drugs, and HIV.

Being gay or straight is not a choice, just like being black, white, or yellow. But choosing pornography is a choice. Choosing to take drugs is a choice. Choosing to be a drug dealer is a choice. Choosing casual sex, choosing not to talk about and not practice safe sex with your partner(s), choosing not to ask your partner(s) to get tested, those are choices. Please take responsibility for your own actions.

I am also Chinese. I knew I was gay when I was 13 year old. I was the in closet in High School and College, not having a single gay friend. When I saw my straight friends getting serious in their relationships getting married, I knew I wanted that too. I wanted to find the person I love, find the person that loves for who I am, find my soul mate. In coming out, I reached out for support from an Asian support group called GAPSN. My first meeting at GAPSN was "Coming Out" to parents. I came out to my parents after that meeting. My second meeting at GAPSN was "HIV and AIDS", I went to this meeting with my boy friend, and we learned to talk about this uncomfortable issue together.

That was 20 years ago. I am happy to say today I've been in a loving committed relationship with my soul mate for 13 years. My soul mate is also Christian. My brother, sister, and mother are also Christian. My father is Buddhist. My soul mate's family members are also Christians. Dreams do come true. I am getting married to my soul mate next weekend in CA. All of our families and friends have been very supportive and encouraging. 

My sister and mother went to your talk, and told me about you. I read the hand out that was passed out during your presentation. It was heart breaking to read that hand out called "Rebel w/o a cause", specifically the 2 page argument against "Same-sex marriage." Will you have happiness by taking away the wishes and dreams of millions of committed loving same-sex couples? We know many same-sex couples who've been together for decades, where their life's dream is to be married one day. The path you have taking in your efforts in denying so many committed couples their hopes, dreams, and happiness, will that bring you happiness?

You are gay Chinese. I am also gay Chinese. We have taking very different paths in coming to terms with who we are. "I shall not bear false witness." With courage and honesty comes love and honesty.

Being HIV+ does not mean you have to give up your hopes and dreams. I pray to God that one day, you will find your soul mate, that you will have happiness.

God Bless,

P.S.: I also do talks. I do talks for the younger generations of Asian gays, like older generation have done for me when I was a young adult. The talks I do are about love, commitment, responsibilities, marriage, honesty, and courage. I know that through my talks, gays will be less likely to choose the path you have chosen of unsafe sex, drugs, drug dealing, and HIV. Gay or straight, we all want love, commitment and marriage.

What REAL AIDS activists look like.


Micah J. Murray,

I try to keep this blog timely, but some things are just to good to not be heard again. Micah's impassioned take on "Loving the sinner, hating the sin," a saying I've tackled on my blog on several occasions, is a must read and will be the final post say on this.



I'm not going to be so presumptuous by thinking I know more about what Jews believe on their passages than they do.
They have lived in their G-d uttered Holy Words for thousands of years with commentary stacked on commentary on those words for almost as long. They should only be the ones to speak on them and not the new "Assembly" living in a New Covenant.

I have also never given the passages much attention in a study like I have on the NT passages because I see their passages as not binding to Believers, so why would I care about them when I have a bright and glorious walk of faith to walk? I am not an ancient Israelite entering the land of Canaan, so why would I think these verses are for me? Laws Paul said are dead to me in the New Birth?

So take what you will with what I give here. And Brethren? Leave their own words to them and only go to the words given you. We don't have a lot of time here to be making their business ours.


Voddie Bauchum

One of the first people I went after on YouTube years ago was Voddie Bauchum. Another nasty piece of work that says that homosexuality homosexuals had no choice in having, isn't the same with the color of his skin, that likewise, he had no choice in having and how dare you make the comparison! He's especially virulent with homosexuals who say they follow Christ without a conviction to turn from their sexuality. He said he's "Had enough of them!" Talking about gay men and women who claim to be born-again and who stay put in their sexuality literally makes him shake and sweat.

I refuted his nonsense of "Jesus never mentioned homosexuality, but He really did" on the Gospel Coalition YouTube channel and of course, they banned me. It, ironically, was one of the first channels I was banned from years ago. A badge of honor I still hold dear. 
I'm seeing him more and more of him on social media because like with Ravi Zacharias and other minority preachers in the Church? White Evangelicals think ethnic people have a special and mystical place with God. 
Surprisingly, some of Voddie's biggest critics are African-American Christians who are not happy with him dismissing accusations of racism in the Church as "Ethnic Gnosticism (?)" by those who make them. His warped views of the family home were glossed over by Christians for years. What forced them to stop looking the other way was this quote; 
"A lot of men are leaving their wives for younger women because they yearn for attention from younger women. And God gave them a daughter who can give them that." 
What?! I don't care what context this is in, no daughter should fill any void of a husband's needs that is not from his wife. And if you try to find excuses for him? You need to examine exactly just how far you will go with him. Of course, anti-gay Christians are going to ignore these disturbing views because he's one of the loudest and most virulent leaders against homosexuality in the Church.

My response:

Porneia (harlotry) is not homosexuality by its every definition. All instances of porneia are about heterosexuality (heterosexual whoring, heterosexual prostitution, heterosexual adultery). 

Leviticus' homosexuality was idolatrous. Ask Voddie to explain why lesbianism is absent from the Leviticus verses that would make a general condemnation of homosexuality when women are in the other (incest, bestiality) verses? He couldn't tell you. The reason is that only males took part in these cult sexual practices, the only thing condemned in Leviticus that's carried over to Deuteronomy. The sexual prohibitions in Leviticus are carried over to Deuteronomy, only one isn't, Leviticus 18:22. Instead, we have the prohibition of the idolatrous homosexuality of the Qa-desh Priesthood that's carried over from Leviticus 18:22 to Deuteronomy 23:17. 

Jesus didn't talk about the "nature" of marriage other than two will become one flesh. He also talked about those who can't marry and those who won't. Why does Bad Voddie ("Bad Voddie" is what he calls his alter-ego that Voddie says is prone to violence. What?!) even need the Gospels when he can put the words of Leviticus in the mouth of Christ He never said? Obsolete Words (Heb. 8:13). 

Jesus was always eternal and a member of the Godhead, so? Voddie seems to not understand just how independent each member of the Godhead is. It was God the Father who said to kill the Amalekite children and sent demons to men because it was the time of the Father. It was God the Son who said do not keep children from Him and cast out demons from men because it was the time of the Son. It was the time of the Holy Spirit when the Son left the Earth and sent the Holy Spirit in His place. Jesus said he judges no one in this life or the next, only the Father will judge all living and the dead on the Final Day. Not all knowledge is shared with each of the Godhead. Only God the Father has knowledge of the Son's return that is purposely kept from the Son. Not all actions are done by the Godhead. Jesus said to fear His Father who is the only one that can destroy your soul. Jesus said He speaks not as the Father, but only what the Father commanded him to say. Jesus did all that He did only by the power of the Holy Spirit and not by His own power. Voddie's understanding of the Godhead is a gross misunderstanding of the Godhead (Heb.7:12). It will never come out of his mouth Jesus and the Holy Spirit conspired with the Father to send a bear to rip children apart. There's also one other problem with Voddie going to the Old Testament of the Father, it doesn't make a broad condemnation of homosexuality in Leviticus the Son would agree with. 

Sodom and Gomorrah weren't destroyed because of homosexuality, they were destroyed because of lack of hospitality to those needing it, which ironically, is what he's doing to homosexuals who seek the hospitality of the Church and what the Church is doing with migrants. Jesus agreed when He talked about the lack of hospitality. What He said His own disciples would also encounter (Matthew 10:14,15).

"Homosexuality" in and of itself is not a sin Voddie and I challenge you to show otherwise with the verses in language and context. Romans 1 likewise is only in the context of idolatry unless you think all homosexuals worship "Images of man and crawling things... " 
Context is a big problem for you, isn't it buddy? 
You know absolutely nothing about original languages.

Homosexuality 'harming' people is wishful thinking from you and I'm sure is something you would love to see. You see it as dehumanizing because YOU see homosexual acts as dehumanizing. Just say that's how you personally feel about homosexuality and stop making people believe that this feeling also comes from the Word of God! God made us in His image, man, and woman, so? Marriage isn't the essence of being made in the image of God (very poetic though Scripturally false), we are made in the image of God in our existing form with Adam being the first made in that image. 
You say homosexuality is "inhuman" and harms all of humanity and the existence of bees and our ocean coral reefs and reaches out with its cold clammy hands to destroy even the Gospel itself when God isn't looking. You went from being poetic to now being a real drama queen Voddie. You'd do great doing this riff at a 'Spoken Word' night. Let me ask you boo boo? Is a Godly institution of marriage made to benefit us? Or were we made for the benefit of it? (Mark 2:27). You might want to talk to the ancient Bible Patriarchs who had more than one wife and countless female concubines with the historical record saying would also include concubines that were male.

I could go further with each point, but this is enough to show the error of your errors you do so well Bad Voddie.

James White

Several days ago anti-gay apologist James White posted this on his Facebook account and deleted it before the ink even had a chance to dry. He was hoping no one saw it.

I'll simply post this rant with racist tropes without comment or commentary:

I bought a dash cam recently. Seems everyone in Russia has one (I guess you have to for insurance purposes), and I thought it would be pretty good to have to document some of the crazy things that happen while driving. So I was coming home this evening and happened to be the first car at Glendale and 35th Avenue in Phoenix. And as you will see, a young black kid, looks to be 15 years old or so, was crossing the street. Now if you watch, you will see a police SUV cross in front of me first going east. The kid then comes into the screen, and though he sort of hid it under his elbow, he plainly flips off the police vehicle. Then he is emptying the drink he is consuming as he walks out of the frame. What you can’t see is that he then simply tossed the bottle into the bush in the corner of the gas station. I happened to notice the two ladies in the car next to me had seen the same thing. We just looked at each other, put up our hands in exasperation, and shook our heads.

As I drove away I thought about that boy. There is a more than 70% chance he has never met this father. In all probabilities he has no guidance, has no example. He is filled with arrogance and disrespect for authority. He lives in a land where he is told lies every day—the lie that he cannot through hard work and discipline, get ahead, get a good education, and succeed at life. He is lied to and told the rest of the world owes him. And the result is predictable: in his generation, that 70% number will only rise. He may well father a number of children most of which will be murdered in the womb, padding the pockets of Planned Parenthood, and those that survive will themselves be raised without a natural family, without the God-ordained structure that is so important for teaching respect, and true manhood or womanhood.


Connie: Top Assassin For Hire. Love You Gramma...

There are post drafts I made over the months I was going to post on my blog, but I never posted them for one reason or another. These are some of them.

This post title was called "Wretched Man:"

Todd Friel is the man in the video who has a popular web show called "Wretched." Friel believe there are 3 types of homosexuals. "Bread and Butter" homosexuals, homosexuals who fight for rights, and gay Christians like me who are the only ones who are the real "enemy" out of the 3. He's also a playdate pal with James White.

I've posted about street preachers before and this is yet another shining example of their error. Everyone who doesn't agree with Friel in the crowd he dismisses with; "Oh, they hate God." Maybe he should take into account those listening to him, like this girl in this Wretched YouTube episode called "Wretched: Tearful woman confronts open-air preacher" (in case the vid doesn't load), don't hate God, but hates how Friel is giving the message with what is in no love. This is Todd speaking from a place of smug pride in his spirit and anything this girl says he could care less about no matter how sincere she is trying to be with him. Christ and Paul never heaped condemnation on passerby's at the corners of gathering places, they OFFERED the "Good News"(euaggelizó that in the Greek translates as "Good News" or "Good Tidings" in Cor 15:1) of salvation. The Prophets were hand chosen by God to preach very specific warnings that were a very different message from the Christ-centered/love-centered Gospel of the Kingdom we are to give now. John the Baptist was in the line of the old prophets and didn't know the Kingdom message because it wasn't yet given, but that doesn't stop street preachers who liken themselves as modern-day Johns who take their message to another level with in your face obnoxiousness that John never did.

You don't think every single one of those people in the crowd where he's at hasn't (probably another college campus) heard the Bible message? They grew up with it. Friel missed the mark when instead of reaching out in love to this woman who was clearly in pain, he badgered her into tears. He couldn't put down his playbook of street preaching lines and Bible quote spouting to open his ears, or his heart, with compassion in loving her with what was a place of hurt she was coming from.

This post had no header:

I really believe countering anti-gay theology is like facing down a Doctrine of Devils. It does affect me on a spiritual level that's hard to describe. Satan will never let it sit well with any effort in trying to turn others from this heresy of using the Bible to condemn gay men and women, even if I reached one person. I can say my personal testimony alone reached many on a gay Christian site with comment after comment with how it has blessed them and it's changed others who hated me in a debate, my blog has been read throughout the world because I keep tabs on the traffic coming in. Nothing is without a price and my efforts over the years with this has done damage in my personal life from even some close to me. Please, I'm not saying Satan is chasing me down the street in my boxers/brief hybrid shorts, but I believe in spiritual warfare and as a spiritual being fighting for a spiritual truth, evil principalities and powers can't but help affect me on a very real level.

Apparently I had a fascination with nuns at one time.
This was going under my "images" tag:

