Showing posts with label Bruce Metzger. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bruce Metzger. Show all posts


Biased Bible Translators

The whole crux of who's right and who's wrong in the Bible/Homosexual debate can be found in the translations of the Biblical texts. Anti-gay proponents of the Bible, when they aren't taking words or verses out of context, insist no bias worked its way into the translations of the Bible from the translators with their readings.
They can now be proven wrong.

"The question could be asked... whether the proverbial “whore with a heart of gold” may also be permitted to seek ordination while still plying her trade?"

- Bruce Metzger on gays within the church he compares to 'whores.' The supposed unbiased translator and editor of both the Revised Standard Version and the New Revised Standard Version of the Bible who first put the word "homosexual" in an English Bible translation for the first time in 1946.

